it's been a week of work, tumbling, cleaning, cooking and trying to catch up on my dvr full of a bunch of reality tv when the kids go to bed. which there is a lot of. exciting week, i know!
so on a parental note, my daughter is sweet as can but has a huge personality & is completely dramatic with a side of high maintenance. every once in a while she has rough mornings, (i feel ya girlfran) which causes us to be late to school (not cool girlfran.) i will be honest and say i let her fits get the best of me and i yell. i hate yelling. it's just not my style, consider that on my list of things to improve. but the discipline is in full force. it's all about consistency. i am determined to nip this in the bud, all while being the best mama i can be!
i'm still in a mexicoma from a few too many tacos tonight. i am in need of a workout.
i actually want to go on