Tuesday, March 18, 2014

life in leopard

Oh hey my pretties. Happy Frozen Release Day! 
Welcome to Life in Leopard, formally known as The Life of a Hoosier Momme. 
I gave myself a little blog makeover. Just because. You likey?
I also added all my favorite gals to my sidebar.

Tales Of A Twenty Something
kay @ http://kaysbestintentions.blogspot.com
allie @ http://www.talesofatwentysomething.com

I gotta be honest. I haven't done much different in this department. I've still been eating clean and drinking my 70 + ounces of water, but haven't done anything more. I have been so busy with everyday life that before I know it, my day is over. Excuses, excuses. I get it. 

Whenever Indiana decides to stop actin a fool and bring us spring, my motivation will sky rocket.
I love running and going for walks outside.

And can someone please tell me how to cure the terrible addiction to the Cadbury Mini Eggs? 
How do you know when it's a problem/addiction? 
The answer is: when you carry a bag around in your purse.

On to a positive note, I was able to fit into a pair of my old jeans and no not the type of fit where they button but it's painful, but you just want to say that you fit into them. 
I'm talkin the kind of fit where they are comfortable, I can move AND I can still breath. #WINNING
I haven't lost anymore weight, but I haven't gained. 
I really wish I would have done my measurements. I'll just tell myself I'm losing inches and didn't plateau.

I do have a recipe I want to post from St. Patricks Day yesterday. It would be totally wrong for me to do so on this post, so I will post it later this week. If you follow me on Insta, you already know what I'm talking about. I feel guilty for even mentioning it. Prepare yourself for heaven in the shape of dessert. 

While we are discussing health, I made it 28 years with good vision. Which I have found pretty impressive seeing as how I work on a computer and I'm constantly on my phone, iPad or reading; aka straining my eyes. Well yesterday I went to the eye doctor. I've been noticing certain things being hard to read and getting headaches off and on lately. 

I kid you not, I almost flipped backwards in my chair when they shot that air into my eyes.
I think I'd rather be blind. 
Kidding.. Sort of.

Then I saw the Justin Timberlake machine, which I found out was called a phoropter. You are welcome.
That machine is what showed me (pun intended) that I needed glasses. 

Yes folks, that is right. I need glasses. Not full time though, unless I find life better with them on. 
Now to the fun part. Picking out frames. Big perk working for an eyewear company! 

dea eyewear; mimi

Whatcha think?? I'm thinking the top with RX sunglasses and the bottom for everyday wear.


  1. Love!! I want new glasses now!

  2. Hi! Love your makeover and love that I'm in your sidebar <3 You're killing it on the water, this is an area where I consistenly struggle hard. Keep it up, there's nothing better than pants FITTING!

    1. The water is actually really easy for me. I don't drink anything else, except my morning coffee! pants fitting is wonderful!

  3. I promised myself one Reeses heart, egg, pumpkin, tree... etc. each holiday. Nothing wrong with indulging a little. However, if I had one of them in my purse it would be gone SO quick! And yay for the jeans! That always feels so great!!

    1. amen to that!! why do reeses taste so much better in the holiday shapes?!


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