This day brought our first "incident" if you will. Nothing major, but definitely the first real obstacle in her recovery. I was upstairs doing laundry in the morning and Taylor had been asleep downstairs. I hear her start coming up the stairs and I could tell something was wrong. She had thrown up. Here we go, I thought. I panicked because I wasn't sure what could have caused that. She wasn't complaining about pain and she had ate a pretty good dinner Sunday night, so I knew it most likely wasn't the medicine upsetting her tummy. She was also doing a great job keeping herself hydrated. The first thing I did was check her throat for any bleeding. There was none and that was a huge relief. Shortly after that she got sick again. She seemed like she was feeling better. I gave her a nice warm bath and got her cleaned up. She had one more incident right after she got out of the tub and that was it. She immediately wanted something to eat so she grabbed a yogurt and all was good after that. I checked with the nurse just to make sure there was nothing to be concerned about. She said sometimes the drainage can cause the stomach to get upset and she may have swallowed some when she was sleeping. Yuck! She did complain about her jaw hurting a little as well, which is normal since most of the foods she is eating requires little to no chewing. As the day went on and a pack of gum later, that problem was history also.
She ate:
ice cream
penne with butter
bagel with american cheese melted
Her little voice sounds so different to me. Just the way she talks and says certain things, I can't help but smile at her. It's so cute. It makes me anxious to see how she talks in about a month when all is healed and back to normal. Or her NEW normal I guess I should say.
Coffee has been my best friend these days. I'm talkin I've been firing up the ol Keurig 2-3 times a day. Sleep deprivation is a serious thing. The struggle is real. Between medicine and making sure her throat stays... moist.. I'm waking up every two hours. She's normally half asleep, but the job is getting done and that is what matters.

I want to talk about ME real quick. My eating mainly. I made sure beforehand that I had my go to produce, so I wouldn't have to try and get to the store while I'm at home with her. I love to cook, except on Fridays, I don't believe in it. It's science that it is impossible for me to cook on that day. Anyways, my lack of sleep and pure exhaustion has made me not want to do anything. ANYTHING. I didn't think it'd be this bad. I'm not eating terrible, I'm kinda just not eating meals. A handful of goldfish, a couple slices of pepperoni here, a
few half a bag of cadburry mini eggs there. I think to myself, oh that's nothing significant. That doesn't count. Um, earth to Jessica: YES. IT. DOES. I've got to get back on track. My body does not like this. Time to snap out of this funk, but I can honestly say, if this was a "normal" week, it wouldn't be this way at all. I have lost another pound though. I guess that says somethin.
I also signed up to be a part of the 1800 minute challenge. 1800 minute whaaat?
It's not as scary as it sounds. Not even a little bit.
Here are all the deets.
But basically between now, April 1st, and May 31st, it's 1800 minutes of some type of physical activity.
Rounds out to be 30 minutes a day but you don't have to do that.
You can have off days, days that are tougher than others, but in the end it should be 1800 minutes.
There I said it, now I have to do it, right?
Here goes nothin.
Got my glasses Friday. Still getting used to them, but holy crap. They make such a huge difference.
It's pretty unbelievable.
I wore them to the store Saturday morning and I felt like I was wearing a huge sign that read "girl wearing glasses for the first time"
I felt like everyone was looking at me and I came up with three simple conclusions:
1. I look like a complete goober
2. I look super cool
3. Or really no one was looking at me at all
That's all I've got today.
Over and out.
Good luck on the 1800 minute challenge, you're going to be great! I'm playing a green smoothie everyday in April game - want to try?
You're also adorable in glasses.
I might do that next month! I won't be able to get to the store for a few days to get stuff for that! Thanks for the info! Definitely going to look into it!
So #1, cute glasses! #2, poor Taylor.. Ouch. #3, so excited that you're doing the 1800minutechallenge too! Doesn't it feel so doable and realistic? One of my favorite challenges anyone has created!
ReplyDeleteI love how intimidating and intense it sounds, when it's really the complete opposite when you know the deets! Excited you are doing it too! Yay! And thanks, I do love my new glasses! Yes, poor Tay. She's been such a trooper though, proud mama here!
DeleteOff weeks definitely affect our nutrition. You'll get back on track! I'm doing the 1800 minute challenge too. It sounds very doable compared to so many other challenges out there!! Good luck. :)
ReplyDeleteYes very doable! Excited! Thank you!
DeleteMy boyfriend got his tonsils out two weeks ago, I have no idea what it is like for a child, but if it is anything like what it was like for him you deserve a huge hug for being such a good mom!! Being the caregiver is a lot of work, but at least it is very rewarding work.
ReplyDeleteThey say it's a lot tougher for adults/even older kids. She's done great so far, but it's still a tough recovery! How is your boyfriend doing now???
DeleteI love that you are doing the #1800minutechallenge too! I signed up and can't wait to see the outcome! Thanks for linking up!
ReplyDeleteYay! Excited!!!